Trouble loading the dashboard

  • Hi Everyone I'm facing issue in loading the dashboard ui page
  • Displays this below attached error message
  • Checked the file in below mentioned path
  • /home/dhamo/vnetpops-dev/node-red/node_modules/@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard/dist/assets/index-TznpjNEy.js
    *Below attached the code block for the respective error message does anything got changed or what is the root cause of this issue
async function normaliseProps(e, t) {
	for (const r of Object.keys(e)) {
		if (["class", "style"].includes(r)) {
			e[r] = normaliseStyleClassProps(r, e[r]);
		if (e[r] instanceof Promise && (e[r] = await e[r]), !t && !TagConfigKeys.includes(r)) {
			const a = String(e[r]),
				o = r.startsWith("data-");
			a === "true" || a === "" ? e[r] = o ? "true" : !0 : e[r] || (o && a === "false" ? e[r] = "false" : delete e[r])
	return e

Can you post the node red startup log please when you stop node red and then start it from a command window.

Sure updated below
dhamo@dhamo:~/vnetpops-dev/node-red$ npm start

node-red@4.0.5 start
node packages/node_modules/node-red/red.js

17 Oct 12:10:31 - [info]

Welcome to Node-RED

17 Oct 12:10:31 - [info] Node-RED version: v4.0.5
17 Oct 12:10:31 - [info] Node.js version: v21.5.0
17 Oct 12:10:31 - [info] Linux 5.15.0-122-generic x64 LE
17 Oct 12:10:32 - [info] Loading palette nodes
17 Oct 12:10:32 - [info] Worldmap version 5.0.4
17 Oct 12:10:32 - [info] Node-RED Dashboard not found - ui_worldmap not installed.
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Settings file : /home/dhamo/.node-red/settings.js
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=localfilesystem]
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] User directory : /home/dhamo/vnetpops-dev/node-red/packages/node_modules/node-red/vnetpops-ui/vnetpops-login
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Flows file : /home/dhamo/vnetpops-dev/node-red/packages/node_modules/node-red/vnetpops-ui/vnetpops-login/flows.json
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn]

Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.

If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.

You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.

17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] Encrypted credentials not found
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Server now running at
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Starting flows
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 (v1.18.1) started at /dashboard
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Created server bound to Node-RED port at path /dashboard/
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [error] [ui-group:12cf243230ae54c5] TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBase')
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page '5bf3640bd4ab5b83' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] [worldmap:World Map] started at /worldmap
17 Oct 12:10:33 - [info] Started flows
cookies: [Object: null prototype] {}
sessionID: undefined
cookies: [Object: null prototype] {}
sessionID: undefined
17 Oct 12:10:41 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected 3p6hnLI7vIuQ2l1DAAAH due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:42 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected uJ-RgNBz5CFSCOAOAAAJ due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:43 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected NfKcOOvNHRTiD7nYAAAL due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:44 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected zgivJfwIK6Y_15zfAAAN due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:44 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected ZuKv37o66aIVlreKAAAP due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:45 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected oPe24Jsh7kUaZESlAAAR due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:45 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected QwyqFJnkNu91p0UjAAAT due to transport close
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] Stopping flows
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] Stopped flows
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] Updated flows
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] Starting flows
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [error] [ui-group:12cf243230ae54c5] TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBase')
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page '5bf3640bd4ab5b83' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [warn] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Theme '' specified in page 'ed37c0fe4997f4f8' does not exist
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] [worldmap:World Map] started at /worldmap
17 Oct 12:10:51 - [info] Started flows
cookies: [Object: null prototype] {}
sessionID: undefined
cookies: [Object: null prototype] {}
sessionID: undefined
17 Oct 12:10:54 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected niuikAZgsTOeudJsAAAX due to transport close
17 Oct 12:11:06 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected 50-42EShaaDy0KhEAAAZ due to transport close
17 Oct 12:11:07 - [info] [ui-base:64fc71361e24a0d0] Disconnected thZK7tEtgY5ibCcrAAAb due to transport close
17 Oct 12:11:17 - [warn]

Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.

If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.

You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.

That is not a supported version of nodejs. Downgrade it to v20 or v18.

It is unusual to have the settings and flows file in different places. What sort of system are you running on and why have you set it up like that.

Have you installed @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard?

I think that is a dashboard 1 node, not a dashboard 2 node, but I am not certain.

Please don't use development versions of Node.js for Node-RED. Odd-numbered versions of Node.js are not considered stable and often break things.

Node-RED reliably works with Node.js v20

For version controlling we moved the flow file to the different path.Below updated the configurations in my settings file

/** The file containing the flows. If not set, defaults to flows_<hostname>.json **/
    flowFile: '/home/dhamo/vnetpops-dev/node-red/packages/node_modules/node-red/vnetpops-ui/vnetpops-login/flows.json',

    /** By default, credentials are encrypted in storage using a generated key. To
     * specify your own secret, set the following property.
     * If you want to disable encryption of credentials, set this property to false.
     * Note: once you set this property, do not change it - doing so will prevent
     * node-red from being able to decrypt your existing credentials and they will be
     * lost.
    //credentialSecret: "a-secret-key",

    /** By default, the flow JSON will be formatted over multiple lines making
     * it easier to compare changes when using version control.
     * To disable pretty-printing of the JSON set the following property to false.
    flowFilePretty: true,

    /** By default, all user data is stored in a directory called `.node-red` under
     * the user's home directory. To use a different location, the following
     * property can be used
    userDir: '/home/dhamo/vnetpops-dev/node-red/packages/node_modules/node-red/vnetpops-ui/vnetpops-login',

    /** Node-RED scans the `nodes` directory in the userDir to find local node files.
     * The following property can be used to specify an additional directory to scan.
    // nodesDir: '/home/nol/.node-red/nodes',

This is the path we are using to customize the flow.json ,login and logout for version control

Sure ,I will downgrade it.

You did not answer the other questions.

Also, has this system ever worked correctly? If not then what happened that resulted in the problem?

Have you installed @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard?

Yes installed via the CLI ,Below updated the package.json for reference

Thanks for your response !.Now the issue is resolved,its due to the missing worldmap node module
Also downgraded the node version to 20.08