Flic - iHost Hub by SonOff

Debug 7 - no changes in values.png

SDK console C-n-P

Where is the debug output .....

Please refer to the documentation.

Humm okay let me learn how to do that and I will get back to you.

300 DPI Debugging.jpg

And Debugging.jpg

Still no feedback !

Remove the function nodes and connect the flic directly to the debug node and configure the debug node as in screenshot Flic - iHost Hub by SonOff - #16 by bakman2

Sorry I have done that also - just took a while to create the images.

Your debug output only shows msg.payload.

Nope NO feedback Debugging.jpg

I haven't added any javascript anywhere, I figure this is what I am missing.

No feed back updates.

None for Debug 1 , Debug 2 , or ... Debug 4 ! is localhost, that is not the ip of your hub ?

I have tried , and
When I use - well that is the ihost device !

But the Flic2 LR Hub running SDK interface has no added javascript there either,
simply plug n play.

I have not reached that stage in evolution.

SDK no java.jpg

1:03 PM Redistributed.jpg - is the default.
the default of Node red.
the default of 1.1.1

node-red-contrib-flic-buttons (node) - Node-RED (nodered.org)

  • Host - this is the host running the flic.io daemon process, defaults to localhost
  • Port - the port for the daemon process, defaults to 5551
  • Button Address - the bluetooth address that you noted down when pairing your buttons

... I tried all three Debug 1 - default
Debug 2 , mine
figuring okay may it transfers data on its own from the LR hub to the port 5551. Just to clear things up I am not doing anything in JavaScript, with any commands other than what the link above has told me to use. I have my buttons set up and running.

As Pallet ADD-ons go 0.1.5 and 1.1.1 are both installed, and running something I thought I had cleared up, but as 1.1.1 has more options than 0.1.5. For some reasons I have lost my 1.1.1 options an have to manually add the ip address in myself. I want to say "I should remove 0.1.5 , maybe and just use 1.1.1 " . And now that I have my SD card folder established, and a new Node-Red update is here !

  • maybe its time for re-install # 7.2 ???

updated as per popup.jpg

Lost my connected status.jpg

So I am back to square 1

To solve the error "Node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ", make sure: To specify the correct URL and PORT when making HTTP requests. Your application or database server is started and running. You haven't forgotten to specify the protocol (http:// or https://) in the URL.

... And what does that mean ?

I'll upload more images to see if anyone can decipher my issue.

1.1.1. type already registered

But then I eventually get rid of issue.

1 1 1 type already registered triange.jpg

Rebooting - getting rid of errors.jpg

How do I open the connections.jpg

Sorry I am clueless regarding on how to do this "Your debug output only shows msg.payload."

I cannot delete mine !

Cannot install a pallet once it is installed.png

Option does not exist.png

You cannot uninstall nodes in use. You need to remove any instances from your flows first.

Make a backup of your flow first just in case.

Do I need A :

WebSocket: WebSocket is bidirectional, a full-duplex protocol that is used in the same scenario of client-server communication, unlike HTTP it starts from ws:// or wss:// . It is a stateful protocol, which means the connection between client and server will keep alive until it is terminated by either party (client or server). After closing the connection by either of the client and server, the connection is terminated from both ends.

... In order for the communication to be open ?

So I am reviewing this "connection closed (error)", as a result of installing one pallet version before the other, I decided to blow away the SD cards folder. The SD card or TF card is still functioning, I just deleted the folder for the /node-red-data and created a new one. So different dates stamps are created each time in the menu for review of my note takings.

By doing this my pallets had to be re-installed. I also re-installed node-red 5~7 times now on the iHost SonOff hub, as this is the device I am learning how what not to do. If I am to learn how to run Node-Red on I am probably going about the wrong way but it is what I have to work with. Needless to sat the option to delete the flic button pallets were unavailable options. Later I discovered if I delete the flow entirely, it was the only way to get rid of the node that was recorded into the system, even though it was no where to be seen on the work space. Lot and lots of bugs. But I am new. lots of C-n-P'g , maybe its a web browser - windows 11 dilema , who knows. I see a lot of Apple users examples in videos, some Linux and most using raspberry pi.

... Drifting away, Connection Closed (error) , when successfully installing 0.1.5 first I had a very simple interface, and a lost of node configurations for Flic. Understandable. By installing 1.1.1 after 0.1.5 in the correct order, the interface does not change, but I always have a green light. "connected" . Now nothing happens because apparently I don't know anything about JavaScript and like other device the Flic contribution appears singular. Where I see more support on the other devices. The iHost appears to have supported eWelink, with its own SonOff devices. Stating I have 5 items connected to HomeKit. But because of cloud set up is unreliable, I am hoping to use a local set up for my home automation.

Now comes an update with Node-red, no version change, it appears to be and option, to which I updated and am now back to a red circle !

"connection closed (error)" then "connected" now back to "connection closed (error)" !

Now I do notice, that the icon does connect and goes green, after a brief 3 seconds
before closing and going red again after I deploy and restart. So I thinks, 1.1.1 is doing A job, and maybe information or JavaScript is probably relaying a packet that I am not doing anything with.

Default is but I don't know what to do with that.
nor do I know what to do with port 5551

I have a ihost ip address that differs, I have a Flic2 LR hub that is on the same and only network having its reserved ip address too. I know all my MAC address of my buttons but what ever I am missing I see no examples other than going to github to which is another step I have to learn but without a mentor I have accounts with all four, LOL.

... why ? , cause I don't know _ _ _ _ , its quite possible that if I were to move a payload from the flic2 LR hub to the iHost some how maybe that is what I am missing. But how does one know how to do this ?

confusing posts.

let's summarize:

  • you have a flic hub, which you cannot use ?
  • you have flic buttons: these buttons use bluetooth
  • the flic nodes for node-red, in particular: node-red-contrib-flic-buttons requires a server (fliclib-linux-hci daemon) that can process the bluetooth messages.

You cannot install this server on iHost, because there is no support for bluetooth.
So whatever you are trying to do, it will and cannot not work.

Next, there is no reason to reinstall node-red or the container. Just remove the nodes from your flows and remove them from the palette, sometimes it will give a popup that there is a config that needs to be removed as well (depends on the node)

So nice to see you online, can you just come over and sort this out, LOL.

  • you have a flic hub, which you cannot use ?
  • I can thru the cloud, but as it is unstable, I have in my house 8 device that just stopped working again. so I want a local network , period.
  • I have good days and bad days, HomeKit is unstable, with every iOS update I have to throw out my old ipad, buy new one, buy a HomePod, this is getting ridiculous.
  • you have flic buttons: these buttons use bluetooth
    yes and my LR Hub out of the box , download app to iphone, works well.

but I want to use Node red to control the flow

  • the flic nodes for node-red, in particular: node-red-contrib-flic-buttons requires a server (fliclib-linux-hci daemon) that can process the bluetooth messages.

so I installed that 0.1.5
than I installed 1.1.1
but the connection went back to a red dot
after updating node red 2 days ago

You cannot install this server on iHost, because there is no support for bluetooth.
So whatever you are trying to do, it will and cannot not work.

so what is the contribution for ? meross works
and so does ns panel it has no ip nor a mac address

Next, there is no reason to reinstall node-red or the container. Just remove the nodes from your flows and remove them from the palette, sometimes it will give a popup that there is a config that needs to be removed as well (depends on the node)

just using bold to seperate messages as I answer each ,,,

I cannot remove the nodes for some reason, but if I remove the flows, my errors disappear.

the flic LR hub has a small SDK interface that allows you to write java script , maybe someone knows a way ?