Node names keep disappearing when edit dialog is closed?

I seem to have encountered a strange issue with a node-RED node I have been working on. It seems to be an intermittent error. But I am wondering if it is something that has been picked up on before. I have been working on a node with a configuration dialog.

Sometimes after opening and closing the configuration dialog, then closing the parent edit dialog the node name disappears, see next image:


There is a warning in the error console, but no errors reported.

I am trying to determine if this is an issue specific to the node, something to do with browser based garbage collection, or a Node-RED related issue?

Any node can be configured to hide its label - its an option on the appearance tab in the edit dialog. Under the covers, it sets a boolean property on the node called l. One possible explanation is that your custom node is setting this property itself.

Thanks for the info, I was reading this article

it could be the editor, I think the issue occurs when there is relatively heavy node-RED usage. For example lots of different nodes having the editor. opened and closed.

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