Riot-nodes error

So I see

He asked On 25th November...

Could you try this? If all of this looks correct, then it may be a
configuration thing to check with the NodeRed nodes, specifically the
configuration nodes where you specify the COM port, etc for the RX and TX

Also you may need to send a command to the XBee to enable reading the
sensor, or it can be configured to make it automatically. But with the XCTU
you may check that.

then on 30th Nov ...

Closing for now, feel free to reopen if you find an issue with the library

  • You didnt re-open the issue
  • You also didnt answer his questions.
  • You didnt reply until 21st Jan

You could try re-opening with more details.

Lastly, you are now running this on a PI. On 24th he said "Check the connections between your XBee and GPIO on your Raspberry" and you replied "I don't use RPI i connect it directly to PC"

But now you are on an RPi - have you tried again?

I answered:

I try this, but in the video not all configs are visible, so i could't repeat them. Can anyone please help me?

I have some problems with usb connections on RPI, On PC i can use XCTU for check.

Also, i try in this:

Martin, no one on the forum has replied to your other messages. It is possible no one knows the answers or the right people haven't seen your posts.

I can only recommend you follow this up with the issue you raised.

Also, you didn't answer :point_up:

I have some problems with usb connections on RPI. And those nodes require Com ports

Hi, I came across this topic (Node-Red and Xbee S2C), I noticed that they use this (GitHub - angryelectron/xbmq-java: XBee / Mqtt Gateway
GitHub - angryelectron/xbmq-js: NodeJS XBee to MQTT Gateway) and this (XBee Ā· PyPI). So, is this the best ''formula'' for establishing Xbee connection in NR?

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